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Sylfirm X Cartridge

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Sylfirm X device  XB-49pin Bi-polar electrodes consumable tips

SCARLET SRF microneedle rf fractional rf XB-49pin cartridge supplierSCARLET SRF microneedle rf fractional rf XB-49pin cartridge manufacture

Sylfirm X is a revolutionary short-pulse radiofrequency  skin treatment that increases the density of your skin to improve firmness, and decrease sagging and the appearance of aging. Restored essential components of younger skin are reconnected for optimized dermal health. There’s less downtime than with other treatments and they are less painful than with other devices.

Approved  as a safe and effective anti-aging therapy, Sylfirm X delivers   energy beneath the superficial layer of skin through specialized microneedles. The body responds to this by stimulating the production of collagen — the skin’s main structural protein — to repair and tighten the skin.

Sylfirm X scalp treatment tightens skin with the intent of treating forehead wrinkles, eyebrow drooping, crow’s feet, cheekbone and mouth sagging, smile lines, and skin around the jaw – usually only treatable with a surgical facelift

SCARLET SRF microneedle rf fractional rf XB-49pin cartridge factorySCARLET SRF microneedle rf fractional rf XB-49pin cartridge detailsSCARLET SRF microneedle rf fractional rf XB-49pin cartridge detailsSCARLET SRF microneedle rf fractional rf XB-49pin cartridge manufactureSCARLET SRF microneedle rf fractional rf XB-49pin cartridge supplier

Sylfirm X  uses advanced radiofrequency technology to trigger the natural healing response, stimulating collagen production and cell renewal to refine skin texture, tone, and appearance. Fractional Microneedling with radio frequency provides a non-surgical solution for tightening skin and addressing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, open pores, acne, acne scarring, pigmentation and even cellulite for all skin types. Say goodbye to dull, saggy and crepey. Say hello to the new you.

Key Points:

  • The Sylfirm X delivers radiofrequency energy into all layers of the skin via micro-needles for total skin rejuvenation.
  • It primarily improves skin texture and tautness 
  • It is suitable for all skin types, even darker skin types
  • It is less painful and has less recovery time than other Radio Frequency Microneedling devices  like the Morpheus8 due to its patented ‘Na effect’ technology. 
  • Make sure to do your research when choosing your RF Microneedling treatment and the device that will be performed with. For more detailed information book a consultation with one of our experienced clinicians.

What can Sylfirm X rf do for you?

Rejuvenates and lessens signs of aging by effectively tightening and lifting sagging skin, reducing wrinkles, improving texture and overall appearance. It also helps with scarring, stretch marks, melasma, pigmentation, and reducing pore size.

SCARLET SRF microneedle rf fractional rf XB-49pin cartridge factorySCARLET SRF microneedle rf fractional rf XB-49pin cartridge manufactureSCARLET SRF microneedle rf fractional rf XB-49pin cartridge factorySCARLET SRF microneedle rf fractional rf XB-49pin cartridge manufactureSCARLET SRF microneedle rf fractional rf XB-49pin cartridge factorySCARLET SRF microneedle rf fractional rf XB-49pin cartridge manufactureSCARLET SRF microneedle rf fractional rf XB-49pin cartridge manufactureSCARLET SRF microneedle rf fractional rf XB-49pin cartridge factorySCARLET SRF microneedle rf fractional rf XB-49pin cartridge factorySCARLET SRF microneedle rf fractional rf XB-49pin cartridge detailsSCARLET SRF microneedle rf fractional rf XB-49pin cartridge details

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